Hi All,
We will use the remaining lesson time to work on coursework. I would like all local, national and international tasks completed, and in your drop box account, by the first day back after christmas. This has now dragged on far longer than I would have liked and its important to get this out of the way.
I am around over the xmas break so if you would like help I am more than happy to set aside a day to go through this with you individually, just see me.
On a lighter note I thought you might want to see how technology can be used in sport. . . . . I'll be using this in senior training after the break!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wider Reading
Hi All
We have just received a new careers book that some of you might be interested in:
Getting into Physiotherapy Courses
Click on the link on the right hand side called 'AS/A2 PE Wider Reading' and a list of current text books held by the library should pop up. Within these are some useful texts that should help you develop a wider knowledge base.
We have just received a new careers book that some of you might be interested in:
Getting into Physiotherapy Courses
Click on the link on the right hand side called 'AS/A2 PE Wider Reading' and a list of current text books held by the library should pop up. Within these are some useful texts that should help you develop a wider knowledge base.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
AS and A2 Reminders
Please remember that by Thursday December 8th I should have your completed draft copies of Local and National (AS) or International Studies (A2) in your shared dropbox folder. I would also expect to see up to date performance and training records (minimum of 8 traiing and 5 performance)and your leadership coaching plans (AS).
After our little 'discussion' last week I don't want to have to come chasing for these. We are now well behind schedule and this will have a real impact on your exam preparation and coursework completion after the break.
For those of you competing for the school, results and league tables can be found on www.dubaiassa.com. This is a new website displaying fixtures and results for school sport in Dubai.
Get it done!!!
Please remember that by Thursday December 8th I should have your completed draft copies of Local and National (AS) or International Studies (A2) in your shared dropbox folder. I would also expect to see up to date performance and training records (minimum of 8 traiing and 5 performance)and your leadership coaching plans (AS).
After our little 'discussion' last week I don't want to have to come chasing for these. We are now well behind schedule and this will have a real impact on your exam preparation and coursework completion after the break.
For those of you competing for the school, results and league tables can be found on www.dubaiassa.com. This is a new website displaying fixtures and results for school sport in Dubai.
Get it done!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The National Framework for Sport
National framework for_sport
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Pathways in Sport
Traditional pathways
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
AS Exam resit reminder
Hi all,
A gentle nudge that you will be re-sitting your exam on Tuesday. PLEASE PREPARE PROPERLY FOR THIS ONE!!!
A gentle nudge that you will be re-sitting your exam on Tuesday. PLEASE PREPARE PROPERLY FOR THIS ONE!!!
Monday, November 7, 2011
AS and A2 PE - Coursework URGENT NOTICE
Hi All,
AS PE - I've looked over the coursework in the dropbox folder and to be honest I'm rather disappointed with what I have seen. Much of it is unfinished or incorrect in its content. We shall have to spend the first week back looking at it in more detail as there is a lot of work to be done.
A2 - There are a lack of performance records in your folders, which again is disappointing as I asked for this to be done. I shall be looking over your international studies shortly and hopefully be giving feedback at the bottom of each piece, please check and ammend as necessary.
AS PE - I've looked over the coursework in the dropbox folder and to be honest I'm rather disappointed with what I have seen. Much of it is unfinished or incorrect in its content. We shall have to spend the first week back looking at it in more detail as there is a lot of work to be done.
A2 - There are a lack of performance records in your folders, which again is disappointing as I asked for this to be done. I shall be looking over your international studies shortly and hopefully be giving feedback at the bottom of each piece, please check and ammend as necessary.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Reminders!!! AS and A2 PE
Hi Team!
AS - Don't forget there is a test tomorrow on all work covered to date in the form of exam style questions.
A2 - Don't forget to bring your kit with you on Wednesday for a practical based theory lesson.
AS - Don't forget there is a test tomorrow on all work covered to date in the form of exam style questions.
A2 - Don't forget to bring your kit with you on Wednesday for a practical based theory lesson.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A2 PE - Long Term Technical Preparation 2
Long term tech prep 2
View more presentations from Mick Wright
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
AS PE - Drugs in Sport
View more presentations from Anil Kumar
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
AS PE - Deviance in Sport
AS PE deviance
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
A2 PE - Long Term Technical Preparation
A2 physical education long term tech
View more presentations from Mick Wright
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
London 2012 Info Graphic
London 2012 Info Graphic
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
AS + A2 Reminder
Hi Team!
Just a gentle reminder that we need to meet promptly on Sunday, if we're not there by 7:45 then they won't let us in! PLEASE BE EARLY!!!!
Also, by now you're private dropbox folder should be accessible. Please let me know if it is not. Please can you ensure that draft copies of the Local/National/International Studies are placed in there. Also don't forget to add your training/performance records and coaching session plans for me to evaluate.
Just a gentle reminder that we need to meet promptly on Sunday, if we're not there by 7:45 then they won't let us in! PLEASE BE EARLY!!!!
Also, by now you're private dropbox folder should be accessible. Please let me know if it is not. Please can you ensure that draft copies of the Local/National/International Studies are placed in there. Also don't forget to add your training/performance records and coaching session plans for me to evaluate.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Dropbox Download . . . Do it . . . . Now!!
Hi All,
I'd like you all to sign up to dropbox. It is an online cloud sotrage system that allows you to access your work from any computer and will allow me to share folders with you. This will help massively when doing coursework tasks as you can drop them in there and I can view/edit. Saves emailing etc. Click on the link below and download. It then sets up a toolbar menu for you from your desktop. Its an easy way to back things up!
Dropbox Download
Please try to have this done by next lesson.
PS . . . . don't forget that 1st drafts of Local/National/International Studies are due on Thursday 6th October.
Mick Wright
Director of Sport and Activities
Dubai British School
Springs 3
Emirates Hills
I'd like you all to sign up to dropbox. It is an online cloud sotrage system that allows you to access your work from any computer and will allow me to share folders with you. This will help massively when doing coursework tasks as you can drop them in there and I can view/edit. Saves emailing etc. Click on the link below and download. It then sets up a toolbar menu for you from your desktop. Its an easy way to back things up!
Dropbox Download
Please try to have this done by next lesson.
PS . . . . don't forget that 1st drafts of Local/National/International Studies are due on Thursday 6th October.
Mick Wright
Director of Sport and Activities
Dubai British School
Springs 3
Emirates Hills
Sunday, October 2, 2011
AS PE - Professional Sport Overview
AS PE: Professional sport - overview
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
AS PE - Revision Guide
As pe revision guide
View more documents from Mick Wright.
AS PE - The Development of Competitive Sport
Res62 presentation5
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
AS PE Exemplar National Study
Exemplar - National study
View more documents from Mick Wright.
AS PE Exemplar Local Study
Exemplar - Local study
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
AS PE Task 2.1 Checklist
2.1 checklist
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
AS PE Lesson 1 - The Development of Physical Education
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A2 Long Term Technical Prep Quiz
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
A2 International study check list
A2 International Study Check List
View more documents from Mick Wright
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
A2 PE Unit 4 Life Plan example
A2 PE Unit 4 life plan example
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
AS things to do!
Hi All,
Couple of reminders of things you need to do over the next week:
If you haven't done so already, print off the latest copy of your local and national studies for me to sift through this weekend.
Complete the research task for Thursday.
Ensure your folders are up to date by Tuesday and make a list of anything you're missing/unsure of.
Make sure you come to your one-2-one meeting with your up to date coursework folders on a USB so we can check what is still required.
Keep next Thursday free for the coursework catch up session.
Couple of reminders of things you need to do over the next week:
If you haven't done so already, print off the latest copy of your local and national studies for me to sift through this weekend.
Complete the research task for Thursday.
Ensure your folders are up to date by Tuesday and make a list of anything you're missing/unsure of.
Make sure you come to your one-2-one meeting with your up to date coursework folders on a USB so we can check what is still required.
Keep next Thursday free for the coursework catch up session.
AS PE Chapter 7 Lifelong Involvement
AS PE Chapter 7 Lifelong Involvement
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A2 Psychological Preparation: Stages of Learning - How to Juggle!!
Here is the clip from the stages of learning experiment we did in class
A2 Long Term Psychological Preparation - An example of a Wagon Wheel
Wagon wheel
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Monday, March 14, 2011
A2 Long Term Psychological Preparation
A2 Task:
As a group I would like you to produce a video presentation covering the following topic areas:
As a group I would like you to produce a video presentation covering the following topic areas:
- Goal Setting
- Motivation
- Attribution Theory
- Learned Helplessness
You need to show factual 'piece to camer's' covering the key points, together with relevant examples of each.
You will then present this in class.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A2 Long Term Psychological Preparation
A2 Long Term Psychological Preparation
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Right then you lot (AS and A2)!
Thought I'd share the good news that I'll hopefully be back in work on Monday. This is actually a week earlier than I should be back). The only reason i'm coming in early is you guys . . . .I'm concerned that you are missing too mch in my absence and want to make sure we don't fall behind.
With this in mind I hope you've been working hard in my absence. I expect you to be close to finishing you practical evidence and have most aspects in place or 'under construction'!
You'll be pleased (or not in some cases!!) to know that I have marked all your coursework and will be returning it to you next week.
For our first lesson back I want to go through your folders . . . that is your coursework folder (Task 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) not your class work! Please make sure that all your work is complete and in the relevant sections so that it is easy to navigate.
Please please please make sure that this is done as I will be EXTREMELY angry if it's not as I literally am only coming in to teach you (not able to do practical)
See you soon!
Thought I'd share the good news that I'll hopefully be back in work on Monday. This is actually a week earlier than I should be back). The only reason i'm coming in early is you guys . . . .I'm concerned that you are missing too mch in my absence and want to make sure we don't fall behind.
With this in mind I hope you've been working hard in my absence. I expect you to be close to finishing you practical evidence and have most aspects in place or 'under construction'!
You'll be pleased (or not in some cases!!) to know that I have marked all your coursework and will be returning it to you next week.
For our first lesson back I want to go through your folders . . . that is your coursework folder (Task 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) not your class work! Please make sure that all your work is complete and in the relevant sections so that it is easy to navigate.
Please please please make sure that this is done as I will be EXTREMELY angry if it's not as I literally am only coming in to teach you (not able to do practical)
See you soon!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A2 Life Plan
Hi A2 Massive!
As I said, whilst I am off I would like you to concentrate your efforts on devising your Life Plan (Task 4.4). There should be exemplar material in the PE folder on shared for you to access and use as a starting reference point. Below is a 'help' presentation to give you some guidance on how to complete the task and what is expected of you.
Please continue to keep your practical portfolio up to date so that when I return it should be close to completion.
Any problems get in touch.
As I said, whilst I am off I would like you to concentrate your efforts on devising your Life Plan (Task 4.4). There should be exemplar material in the PE folder on shared for you to access and use as a starting reference point. Below is a 'help' presentation to give you some guidance on how to complete the task and what is expected of you.
Please continue to keep your practical portfolio up to date so that when I return it should be close to completion.
Any problems get in touch.
AS Chapter 5 Revision
Hi AS PE Crew!
First piece of work for you to do whilst i'm off! In addition to continuing to gather your practical portfolio information I would like you to go over the work we have covered in the last chapter, as I would like to start the next one when I return. To start with I want you to compile a fact file on the key figures in the development of sport
First piece of work for you to do whilst i'm off! In addition to continuing to gather your practical portfolio information I would like you to go over the work we have covered in the last chapter, as I would like to start the next one when I return. To start with I want you to compile a fact file on the key figures in the development of sport
- Thomas Arnold
- Baron Pierre De Coubertin
In your fact file you should include the following
- Personal Biography (date and place of birth etc)
- Education and employment roles
- Description of the impact they had on the development of sport.
You should also be looking to start your revision process and put together mind maps of all the chapters covered.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
AS Physical Education: Deviance in Sport
AS PE Deviance in Sport
View more presentations from Mick Wright
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
AS and A2 Reminder
Hi Team!
By the end of the week I should have copies of all your work, up to date and correctly stored in the appropriate folders. Please ensure next lesson that you bring all work on a flash drive so that I can save a copy.

In addition I also want to have an up to date printed version of Local and National studies for AS and International Studies for A2.
This will give me something to do when i'm sat at home with my feet up after my knee op!!
By the end of the week I should have copies of all your work, up to date and correctly stored in the appropriate folders. Please ensure next lesson that you bring all work on a flash drive so that I can save a copy.

In addition I also want to have an up to date printed version of Local and National studies for AS and International Studies for A2.
This will give me something to do when i'm sat at home with my feet up after my knee op!!
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