Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
AS PE - The 3 Key UK Sports Agencies - Research Task
AS PE - The role of UK Agencies Independent Research
Use the QR code to access pages on the roles and functions of the 3 key UK sports agencies.
For each one I would like you to find out about the following:
Major programmes/initiatives
Talent Identification Schemes
Use the QR code to access pages on the roles and functions of the 3 key UK sports agencies.
For each one I would like you to find out about the following:
Major programmes/initiatives
Talent Identification Schemes
How they are all linked You are to compile a factsheet for each agency using the information above, complete with logo's etc.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
AS PE - Development of Competitive Sport Revision Session
Hi Team,
Today as discussed will be a sumary lesson of the work covered over the past few weeks and will help in preparation for the end of unit exam taking place on Wednesday Period 6.
The purpose of the lesson is to ensure we harness each others strengths and collate information by collaborating on tasks laid out in a circuit format.
Your learning objectives:
To gain a greater depth of knowledge around the impact of the development of competitive sport
To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding through differentiated exam style questions.
To work collaboratively to develop a set of resources that will benefit the whole group.
To identify areas of limitation that need addressing ahead of the end of unit examination.
Bring your creative brains to this one!
Today as discussed will be a sumary lesson of the work covered over the past few weeks and will help in preparation for the end of unit exam taking place on Wednesday Period 6.
The purpose of the lesson is to ensure we harness each others strengths and collate information by collaborating on tasks laid out in a circuit format.
Your learning objectives:
To gain a greater depth of knowledge around the impact of the development of competitive sport
To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding through differentiated exam style questions.
To work collaboratively to develop a set of resources that will benefit the whole group.
To identify areas of limitation that need addressing ahead of the end of unit examination.
Bring your creative brains to this one!
AS PE - Development of Competitive Sport Revision - Station 1
Station 1
From the sheet on the table, choose one question to answer in depth. You are not allowed to use any other resource than the work produced from the other stations. The questions are of differing levels, so chose one that you feel you can answer, but that will CHALLENGE you!
You may move around the room and access the work going on at other stations to help you.
You musn't ask for help from other members of the group, nor use text books/notes.
From the sheet on the table, choose one question to answer in depth. You are not allowed to use any other resource than the work produced from the other stations. The questions are of differing levels, so chose one that you feel you can answer, but that will CHALLENGE you!
You may move around the room and access the work going on at other stations to help you.
You musn't ask for help from other members of the group, nor use text books/notes.
AS PE - Development of Competitive Sport Revision - Station 2
Station 2
Using the following link for 'TEXT 2 MIND MAP' identify one area that you struggle with and create a mind map of facts and examples.
Mind Map
You can then download the PDF and save it. I'll then post all mind maps on the blog for you to access later.
Using the following link for 'TEXT 2 MIND MAP' identify one area that you struggle with and create a mind map of facts and examples.
Mind Map
You can then download the PDF and save it. I'll then post all mind maps on the blog for you to access later.
AS PE - Development of Competitive Sport Revision - Station 3
Station 3
Using only symbols, diagrams and pictures sketch out on the whiteboard in the classroom, the main historical aspects of the olympic games . . . . . . remember no writing allowed! We can then take a photo of the finished graphic and embed on the blog!
Using only symbols, diagrams and pictures sketch out on the whiteboard in the classroom, the main historical aspects of the olympic games . . . . . . remember no writing allowed! We can then take a photo of the finished graphic and embed on the blog!
AS PE - Development of Competitive Sport Revision - Station 4
Station 4
Using the tablet and the HiFiCorder App, record a pod cast based around a topic area you are familiar with. Use the white board to help you plan the key points before you talk!! If you make a mistake just start again! You can then save the podcast and we can embed them into the blog later.
Using the tablet and the HiFiCorder App, record a pod cast based around a topic area you are familiar with. Use the white board to help you plan the key points before you talk!! If you make a mistake just start again! You can then save the podcast and we can embed them into the blog later.
AS PE - Development of Competitive Sport Revision - Station 5
Station 5
Place your thoughts around each topic area onto the sticky's to help develop a notice board of ideas and information. This will then remain an active resource for you to look back at in the future, directly from the link below. Just click on the link, click on a sticky and start typing!
The Development of Competitive Sport Corkboard
Place your thoughts around each topic area onto the sticky's to help develop a notice board of ideas and information. This will then remain an active resource for you to look back at in the future, directly from the link below. Just click on the link, click on a sticky and start typing!
The Development of Competitive Sport Corkboard
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Right then Team . . . . . . For those of you who REALLY want to impress me . . . . . .
Complete the following questions from your exam paper packs:
Unit 1: Participation and Performance in Sport and Recreation May 2009
Question 8 Sport is becoming increasingly commercialised.
a) Outline the main types of commercial funding available in sport. (4)
b) Explain what is meant by the term Americanisation and suggest how it is influencing sport in the 21st Century. (4)
Try to answer the questions without the use of the mark scheme initially then check your answers for clarification.
Complete the following questions from your exam paper packs:
Unit 1: Participation and Performance in Sport and Recreation May 2009
Question 8 Sport is becoming increasingly commercialised.
a) Outline the main types of commercial funding available in sport. (4)
b) Explain what is meant by the term Americanisation and suggest how it is influencing sport in the 21st Century. (4)
Try to answer the questions without the use of the mark scheme initially then check your answers for clarification.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
AS PE - The Political, Financial and Moral History of the Modern Olympic Games
Right Team, I feel like having a lesson off . . . . it's over to you.
Your Learning Objective:
To gain an understanding of the political, financial and moral history of the Modern Olympic Games.
Your Tasks:
Level One - Enquiry - Using the worksheet and embedded links, spend ten minutes finding out the key points surrounding the two different Olympic Games allocated to you.
Level Two - Revision - Spend 5 minutes revising your findings, so you can teach each other.
Level Three - Peer Teaching - You have 2 minutes to rotate through each station and teach each other what you know about your two chosen Olympic Games. When you get to me I want to hear EVERYTHING you have learnt so far!!
Level Four - Stretch and Challenge - For Homework review all links and complete the sheet by filling in the missing 3 games.
Your Learning Objective:
To gain an understanding of the political, financial and moral history of the Modern Olympic Games.
Your Tasks:
Level One - Enquiry - Using the worksheet and embedded links, spend ten minutes finding out the key points surrounding the two different Olympic Games allocated to you.
Level Two - Revision - Spend 5 minutes revising your findings, so you can teach each other.
Level Three - Peer Teaching - You have 2 minutes to rotate through each station and teach each other what you know about your two chosen Olympic Games. When you get to me I want to hear EVERYTHING you have learnt so far!!
Level Four - Stretch and Challenge - For Homework review all links and complete the sheet by filling in the missing 3 games.
AS PE - Speed Dating Stations
Station One:
Becca and Obaid
Chloe and Clara
Harley and Wrighty
Station Two:
Harley and Obaid
Clara and Becca
Chloe and Wrighty
Station Three:
Harley and Becca
Chloe and Obaid
Clara and Wrighty
Station Four:
Harley and Clara
Chloe and Becca
Obaid and Wrighty
Station Five:
Harley and Chloe
Clara and Obaid
Becca and Wrighty
Becca and Obaid
Chloe and Clara
Harley and Wrighty
Station Two:
Harley and Obaid
Clara and Becca
Chloe and Wrighty
Station Three:
Harley and Becca
Chloe and Obaid
Clara and Wrighty
Station Four:
Harley and Clara
Chloe and Becca
Obaid and Wrighty
Station Five:
Harley and Chloe
Clara and Obaid
Becca and Wrighty
AS PE E-Portfolio
AS PE E-Portfolio - Important please read thoroughly!!
As discussed at the start of the course and again during todays lesson, you are required to produce an e-portfolio evidencing all of your work.
You will need to organise the folders on your e-portfolio as requested by the examination board. To help you in this process I have already organised one for you and placed it into your dropbox folder. This will be you starting point, and a place where all your work should be stored. (Remember to ALWAYS back up your work somewhere else!!!!!).
You are then required to put all your work in the corresponding sub-folders.
Task 2.1 Personal Performance
Task 2.2 Local Study
Task 2.3 National Study
Task 2.4 Analysis of Performance
You should already have all the relevant check lists, templates etc you need to complete your tasks, and these are also in your dropbox folders.
Please ensure you are continually updating your folders and completing all necessary tasks and gathering as much evidence as possible.
You are also required to fill in the Child Protection Online Certification.
If you want to get a head start on this over the break then here's what you need to do!
1. Click on the 'Play by the Rules' link on the top right of the blog
2. Regster as a new User (you'll fill in a few details and a link will be sent to your email address - click on this link!)
3. Select Online Training
4. Click on 'Child Protection' - coaches and officials
5. Read through the course resources then take the certification quiz (you have to get over 75% to pass) Then save the certificate that is sent to you!!!
Any probelms, come see me or email me!!
As discussed at the start of the course and again during todays lesson, you are required to produce an e-portfolio evidencing all of your work.
You will need to organise the folders on your e-portfolio as requested by the examination board. To help you in this process I have already organised one for you and placed it into your dropbox folder. This will be you starting point, and a place where all your work should be stored. (Remember to ALWAYS back up your work somewhere else!!!!!).
You are then required to put all your work in the corresponding sub-folders.
Task 2.1 Personal Performance
Task 2.2 Local Study
Task 2.3 National Study
Task 2.4 Analysis of Performance
You should already have all the relevant check lists, templates etc you need to complete your tasks, and these are also in your dropbox folders.
Please ensure you are continually updating your folders and completing all necessary tasks and gathering as much evidence as possible.
You are also required to fill in the Child Protection Online Certification.
If you want to get a head start on this over the break then here's what you need to do!
1. Click on the 'Play by the Rules' link on the top right of the blog
2. Regster as a new User (you'll fill in a few details and a link will be sent to your email address - click on this link!)
3. Select Online Training
4. Click on 'Child Protection' - coaches and officials
5. Read through the course resources then take the certification quiz (you have to get over 75% to pass) Then save the certificate that is sent to you!!!
Any probelms, come see me or email me!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Task 2.3 National Study Checklist
Task 2.3 National Study Checklist
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Task 2.3 National Study Example
Task 2.3 National Study Exmple
View more documents from Mick Wright.
AS PE Task 2.2 Local Study Netball
AS PE Task 2.2 Local Study Netball
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Task 2.2 Local Study Check List
Task 2.2 Local Study checklist
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Exemplar Local Study Mark Band 13-15
Local netball
View more documents from Mick Wright
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Managing Elite Performance Pt2
A2 physical education lesson 2
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Managing Elite Performance Intro
A2 physical education lesson 1
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
AS PE Lifelong Involvement and LTAD
Lifelong Involvement
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
A2 PE Long Term Psychological Preparation
Chapter 6 long term psych
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
AS PE Lifelong Involvement - Lets Flip it!
Hi Lads,
As discussed in class, we're going to try out the 'flip the classroom' approach to learning this topic. The purpose of this is to try and develop you as independent learners. The way it works is that I will ask you to look at a specific area of study and ask you to research around it at home. We will then go over the topic and discuss the elements involved on your return to class. Please come to next lesson with questions to ask and points to raise for discussion. We will then be able to compound the knowledge back in the classroom, and hopefully give you a broader outlook on the topic area.
For our first attempt I would like you to look at Reformative Policies up to local initiatives on the presentation below. Be sure to watch the videos as they give useful insight into a couple of reformative poicies/initiatives. Try not to limit your study to just the presentation, as this only contains the basic facts. Try to find out more for each area, recent developments, examples etc.
As discussed in class, we're going to try out the 'flip the classroom' approach to learning this topic. The purpose of this is to try and develop you as independent learners. The way it works is that I will ask you to look at a specific area of study and ask you to research around it at home. We will then go over the topic and discuss the elements involved on your return to class. Please come to next lesson with questions to ask and points to raise for discussion. We will then be able to compound the knowledge back in the classroom, and hopefully give you a broader outlook on the topic area.
For our first attempt I would like you to look at Reformative Policies up to local initiatives on the presentation below. Be sure to watch the videos as they give useful insight into a couple of reformative poicies/initiatives. Try not to limit your study to just the presentation, as this only contains the basic facts. Try to find out more for each area, recent developments, examples etc.
AS PE Lifelong Involvement
Lifelong involvement pres
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
AS PE Talent ID
AS PE Talent ID
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
A2 PE Long Term Psychological Prep - Wagon Wheel Profiling
A2 PE Wagon wheel
View more documents from Mick Wright.
A2 PE Long Term Psychological Prep
A2 PE Long Term Psychological Prep
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
Monday, January 23, 2012
A2 PE Life Plan Example 9/10
A2 PE Life Plan Guidance
View more documents from Mick Wright.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
A2 PE - Life Plan Example 9/10
Life Plan Example 9/10
View more presentations from Mick Wright.
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