Monday, October 22, 2012

AS PE - The Political, Financial and Moral History of the Modern Olympic Games

Right Team, I feel like having a lesson off . . . . it's over to you.

Your Learning Objective:

To gain an understanding of the political, financial and moral history of the Modern Olympic Games.

Your Tasks:

Level One - Enquiry - Using the worksheet and embedded links, spend ten minutes finding out the key points surrounding the two different Olympic Games allocated to you.

Level Two - Revision - Spend 5 minutes revising your findings, so you can teach each other.

Level Three - Peer Teaching - You have 2 minutes to rotate through each station and teach each other what you know about your two chosen Olympic Games. When you get to me I want to hear EVERYTHING you have learnt so far!!

Level Four - Stretch and Challenge - For Homework review all links and complete the sheet by filling in the missing 3 games.

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