Monday, December 9, 2013

A2 PE - The Role of National Agencies

Task 1 (30 mins):

Taking one of the following countries each as an example, using the internet research whether they are centralised or decentralised systems and give evidence to support your findings.

India - Harley
New Zealand - Becca
South Africa - Obaid
France - Clara

(We looked at UK, Australia and USA previously)

Task 2 (20 mins):

Read and discuss the article below relating to Centralised v Decentralised structures in business. Then draw up a list of advantages of both with regards to a countries sporting organisation.

A2 PE - Centralised v Decentralised


In a centralised organisation head office (or a few senior managers) will retain the major responsibilities and powers. Conversely decentralised organisations will spread responsibility for specific decisions across various outlets and lower level managers, including branches or units located away from head office/head quarters. An example of a decentralised structure is Tesco the supermarket chain. Each store of Tesco has a store manager who can make certain decisions concerning their store. The store manager is responsible to a regional manager. 
Centralised and decentralised organisations diagram
Centralised and Decentralised Combined
Organisations may also decide that a combination of centralisation and decentralisation is more effective. For example functions such as accounting and purchasing may be centralised to save costs. Whilst tasks such as recruitment may be decentralised as units away from head office may have staffing needs specific only to them.  

Vertical Decentralisation
Certain organisations implement vertical decentralisation which means that they have handed the power to make certain decisions, down the hierarchy of their organisation. Vertical decentralisation increases the input, people at the bottom of the organisation chart have in decision making.  

Horizontal Decentralisation
Horizontal decentralisation spreads responsibility across the organisation. A good example of this is the implementation of new technology across the whole business. This implementation will be the sole responsibility of technology specialists
Advantages of Centralised Structure For Organisations
Advantages of Decentralised Structure For Organisations
Senior managers enjoy greater control over the organisation.Senior managers have time to concentrate on the most important decisions (as the other decisions can be undertaken by other people down the organisation structure.
The use of standardised procedures can results in cost savings. Decision making is a form of empowerment. Empowerment can increase motivation and therefore mean that staff output increases.
Decisions can be made to benefit the organisations as a whole. Whereas a decision made by a department manager may benefit their department, but disadvantage other departments. People lower down the chain have a greater understanding of the environment they work in and the people (customers and colleagues) that they interact with. This knowledge skills and experience may enable them to make more effective decisions than senior managers.
The organisation can benefit from the decision making of experienced senior managers.Empowerment will enable departments and their employees to respond faster to changes and new challenges. Whereas it may take senior managers longer to appreciate that business needs have changed.
In uncertain times the organisation will need strong leadership and pull in the same direction. It is believed that strong leadership is often best given from above.Empowerment makes it easier for people to accept and make a success of more responsibility.

Monday, November 25, 2013

If you have a problem... if no one else can solve it... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The A- Team.

A2 PE - Centres of Excellence - Funding and Support for Elite Athletes

Learning Objective:

To gain an understanding of the support roles in place and the types of funding available.

To utilise and develop ICT/ communicative skills by producing a presentation based on your findings.


You are the chief executive committee for UK Sport and you have been tasked with presenting to parliament and the department of culture the current funding and support available for elite athletes.

Your report/presentation should include the following key elements from a range of research sources:


  • The four different types of funding available
  • An overview of centralised/decentralised funding
  • How the National Lottery supports elite performance
  • Evidence of a correlation between funding and success

  • Private Sector Academies with examples
  • Requirements for preparation for global sports competition


  • Summary of the benefits of support and funding

You must use a form of technology when presenting your findings

Using the knowledge gained from today's lesson, devise an exam style question based on the current topic and a brief mark scheme to accompany it.

A2 PE - Centres of Excellence

Monday, November 18, 2013

AS PE - Reminder Exam on Wednesday

AS Group,

Just a reminder that there will be an end of unit exam on Wednesday based on all elements of Chapter 6 from the book. Please make sure you are well-prepared.


A2 PE - Centres of Excellence

Using the text book, notes and any research, draw comparisons between the East German, Australian and American approach to sport. You'll have time in lesson to conduct your research and then plan a response to the answer.

Next lesson you will be compiling your findings in the form of a short essay.

Friday, April 19, 2013

AS PE - Interesting Article on Talent ID in China

Hi Team,

The following is a link to a Daily Mail article about talent identification in China. Please can you take a read of it for next Monday's lesson. Be ready to discuss.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Talent Development QR4

Talent Development QR3

Talent Development QR2

Talent Development QR1

Talent Development Programmes

Hi Team,

Task 1 - 20 mins

Using your own smartphone/tablet (or one of mine) scan the QR codes and use the information contained together with anything else you can find to summarise current Talent Development Programmes n the UK.

Task 2 - 20 mins

Now look at the questions on Page 132 - Read up on any parts you don't know or fully understand.

Task 3 - 20 mins

Working in pairs, choose one question each to ask your partner and evaulate their response. (tip have more than one to ask in case your's goes before its your turn).

Sunday, March 3, 2013

AS PE - Lifelong Involvement Notes

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AS PE - Lifelong Involvement Notes

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